Monday, July 30, 2007

Thirteen Simple Rules for Speeding Up Your Web Site

Not just for Linux but some good points on optimizing web speed. Some of these tips seem obvious but I, at least, had never seen them before.

Thirteen Simple Rules for Speeding Up Your Web Site

Projity: Project Management in your browser

At the coming Linux conference an OS version will be announced for Linux with later versions for MAC and Windows.

Projity: Project Management in your browser

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Information on the Linux Kernel

I am not a follower of the discussion/dispute but the web page may be of interest.

Linux: Linus On CFS vs SD | KernelTrap

Friday, July 27, 2007

Linux: The 0.01 Release

For history buffs, the beginnings of Linux initial release details are shown here:

Linux: The 0.01 Release | KernelTrap

Monday, July 23, 2007

MIT Education Crash Courses

Here are some good links and tutorials for languages (C, C++, Perl, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails etc.).

There is a 50 slide(pdf) EMACS tutorial for the beginner too.

SIPB IAP 2007 Activities and Crash Courses

Mashup Language Ovefview

Not Linux specific but these mashup web applications seem promising although there are so many how does one select the best.

Mashup Platforms

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

OpenWrtDocs/About - OpenWrt

OpenWrtDocs/About - OpenWrt: "Linksys WRT54G/GS routers"



This looks like interesting software if embedded Linux system design projects are on your horizon.

Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Python Programming Language -- Official Website

Python Programming Language -- Official Website

I do not know anything about Python but the official website has downloads for many platforms. Tutorials and examples are plentiful.


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